Learning road rules
I have been asked for advice from a parent, her teenager is struggling with remembering road rules. My first suggestion is to actually read the road rules! Many kids think that after watching people drive they already know the rules, but that’s not always the case. So sit down with them and read through it together, that way, you can answer any questions they may have.
Second, put the road rules into practical forms: when you are driving, get them to tell you who you have to give way to at the next intersection. Or pull up near a pedestrian crossing and ask them how far away you have to park. Or get them to identify any road signs (and their meaning). You get the idea.
Third: watch some useful videos from state government transport departments.
You can start here :
As always, repetition and communication are the best way to help your learner.
I will be putting more information on my website in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for other helpful learner driving tips.
Best wishes, happy and safe driving, Liz
Various driving experience
Learner drivers need a variety of different situations to gain skills and experience. School holidays are a great time to be able to relax and take a few extra minutes to try something new:
1. Drive with your learner through a car wash
2. Get a coffee at a drive thru
3. Have your learner pull in at a “kiss and ride” zone.
4. Have your learner drive near busy pedestrian areas (shopping centres, stations) and show them how to deal with crossings.
5. Travel to a tourist destination, to show them how to watch for overseas visitors driving erratically because they are uncertain of the roads.
This will be a good start to those extra log book minutes and excellent practice!
Happy and safe driving, Liz☑️😃🚘👍